
Carcassonne by Exozet Games has been updated for Android and Windows Phone with cross platform multiplayer

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Carcassonne by Exozet Games has been updated for Android and Windows Phone with cross platform multiplayer
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Exozet's version of Carcassonne on Windows Phone, Windows 8, and Android has been updated with online play, so you can place tiles without anyone else being in the same room.

It's cross platform multiplayer as well, so you can play with your friends regardless of what they stuff into their pocket when they decide it's time to go to the shops for booze and cigs.

Right now there's just a quick match option available, but Exozet is working on more advanced options for a future update. That should be ready in a couple of weeks, and add friendlists, custom games, and much more.

The first update is live right now on the Play Store [buy] and the Windows Phone Store [buy], and if you've already bought Carcassonne it shouldn't cost you a thing.

Harry Slater
Harry Slater
Harry used to be really good at Snake on the Nokia 5110. Apparently though, digital snake wrangling isn't a proper job, so now he writes words about games instead.