Reicast is a Dreamcast emulator for Android available in alpha state for free on Google Play
Start it up
As of, well, today, the alpha version of Sega Dreamcast emulator Reicast is available for Android. It's essentially an Android-based version of Nulldce.
Quick warning: the developer of Reicast reckons that you'll need to have at least a Cortex-A9 dual-core 1GHz+ processor in your Android device to run Reicast properly.
You'll also need the Dreamcast BIOS for the Reicast emulator to work. Oh, and to read the following instructions:
"Put [the BIOS] on /sdcard/dc/data/dc_boot.bin. The Dreamcast flash should be on /sdcard/dc/data/dc_flash.bin. You should dump these files from your Dreamcast and the games from the original gdroms (gdi or chd format)."
There are more in-depth tutorials on the internet for using Reicast, though, if you need them.
Given this is an alpha version of Reicast, you might obviously come across a few bugs. Otherwise, you should have no problem running the likes of Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Soul Calibur, Resident Evil Code: Veronica, and more.
Reicast even works on the Ouya, by the way. So, if you have one to hand, you download the .apk file and get it running on a big screen.
You can download Reicast for free on Google Play [download] right now.