Anime Last Stand codes (August 2024)
We've searched for all the Anime Last Stand codes and compiled all the working ones in the list below. Simply copy and paste these codes into the right window to get lots of free Emeralds.
At the moment this is one of the most popular tower defence games on Roblox, so we had to cover it with codes, as usual. To upgrade, you need Emeralds, which is where these redeem codes come in.
Use these active Anime Last Stand codes we have listed to get free Emeralds, Spirit Shards and rerolls. We've also got Roblox codes for many other popular titles, so feel free to redeem these Criminality codes or Skibidi Tower Defense codes if you're looking for a similar experience.
Active Anime Last Stand codes
- QuestsFixed! - 20 Rerolls
- CLOVER - 350 Jewels
- SUPPORTCRAZY - 20 Rerolls
- BCUPDATE - 100 Jewels, 15 Rerolls
- FIREFORCE - 10 Rerolls
- BLEACH - 15 Rerolls, 5 Perfect Stat Cube
- 200KLIKES - 20 Rerolls, 20 Stat Cube
- GODLIES - 25 Rerolls, 10 Fire Essence
- WORLD2ISOUT - 25 Rerolls (redeem in private server)
Remember that these codes are time-limited and will eventually expire, so try to use them immediately.
Expired codes
- 4xISACTIVE - 35 Rerolls
- THXFORSUPPORT - 250 Jewels, 10 Rerolls
- TYFORSUPPORT - 50 Rerolls
- Bugfixesgoincrazy - 10 Rerolls, 10 Fire Essence
- FreeBossBKK! - 50 Rerolls (redeem in private server)
- HuntersW? - 25 Rerolls, 250 Dragon Scales, 3 Perfect Stat Cube
- DragonsL? - 5 Rerolls, 100 Dragon Scales, 5 Stat Cube
- NewEraComing - Use for 25 Rerolls
- TY180KLIKES - Use for 7 Rerolls, 150 Emeralds, and 250 Shells
- TY180KFAVS - Use for 250 Emeralds
- DragonVSHunters - Use for 5 Rerolls
- RobloxBrokeUs! - Use for 5 Perfect Stat Cubes, 30 Rerolls, 3 Mythic Shards, and 20 Shinobi Tokens
- SUMMERPART2 - 150 Emeralds, 7 Reroll Shards and 250 Shells
- Sorry4ShutdownAgain!! - 5 Rerolls, 100 Emeralds, and 50 Shells
- Sorry4Shutdown!! - 5 Rerolls, 100 Emeralds, and 50 Shells
- QUESTRESET - 5 Rerolls
- MoreCodes!! - 250 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- CID! - 100 Emeralds, 100 Shells and 5 Rerolls
- Summer2024! - 250 Emeralds, 100 Shells and 5 Rerolls
- SECRETCODE??? - 5 Rerolls
- FREESHARDS - Mythic Shard
- ALSISBACK! - 500 Emeralds
- BERSERK! - 250 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls
- AFKCAPSULEYAY - 300 Emeralds
- FollowBoss - 300 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls
- 170kFavorites - 500 Emeralds
- 170kLikes - 5 Rerolls
- DemonPortals!! - 5 Rerolls
- PatchUpdate!! - 750 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls
- SorryForShutdown!! - 10 Rerolls
- UpdateRerolls!! - 30 Spins
- Sorry4Delay! - 30 Spins
- ChooChoo - 1000 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- SUMMERSOON!? - 750 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls
- QOLSprinkleUPD - 500 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls
- FreeRerolls!! - 1,250 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls
- QuickFixies - 1000 Emeralds, 10 Reroll Shards
- PARTTWOUPD!? - 750 Emeralds,5 Reroll Shards
- SOLOPARTTWO?! - 1000 Emeralds, 10 Reroll Shards
- QuickRestart! - 1250 Emeralds, 10 Reroll Shards
- QOLUpdate2! - 500 Emeralds, 10 Reroll Shards
- ALSREVAMPSOON? - 750 Emeralds, 5 Reroll Shards
- SOLOPART2SOON?! - 1000 Emeralds, 10 Reroll Shards
- Part1UPD! - 500 Emeralds, 5 Reroll Shards
- NEWUPD?! - 750 Emeralds, 10 Reroll Shards
- HBDCaleB2024 - 1000 Emeralds and 15 Rerolls
- SOLOLEVELING! - 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls
- SOLOPREPARING! - 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- X7Weekend! - 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- ConverterFix?! - 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls
- REDGATE?! - 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls
- QOLUPD! - 750 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls
- SOLOPREPARING! - 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- BannerFix!?! - 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- BannerFixed? - 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- BugFixesTeehee - 1k Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- BossStudiosOnTop - 750 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- CaleBTheHero - 500 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls
- OPMUpdate - 500 Emeralds and 5 Rerolls
- SubToBlamSpotonYoutubeForShenron - Wish Dragon Unit (Must be subscribed to Blam Spot on YouTube)
- AdmiralsUPD - 750 Emeralds
- BossStudio1stUpd - 1,000 Emeralds, 5 Rerolls
- SaviourCaleB - 750 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls
- AriseWakeyWakey - 10 Rerolls
- BossStudiosTakeover! - 1,500 Emeralds, 15 Rerolls, 15 Spirit Shards
- ToTheFuture!! - 1500 Emeralds, 15 Rerolls, and 15 Spirit Shards
- CongratsMrBeast1Billion2 - Beast (Ultimate) Unit
- EraOfTheAdmirals - 1000 Emeralds
- TorSavedALS - 750 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls, and 10 Spirit Shards
- FollowJULLGRINDSonTwitch - 500 Emeralds
- Update5! - 1000 Emeralds and 10 Rerolls
- Sub2NagBloxonYT - 500 Emeralds
- Sub2SebbyastianonYT - 500 Emeralds
- Sub2UniversalPantheronYT - 500 Emeralds
- LongMaitenanceLimitedCode - 15 Rerolls
- CongratsMrBeast1Billion - a Mr. Beast Unit
- HappyEaster - 1,000 Emeralds, 10 Rerolls, 10 Spirit Shards
- ShenronFixImSorry - 1.5k Emeralds and 15 Rerolls
- GlitchFix - 750 Emeralds and 10 Spirit Shards
- TheGoat - Free unit
- Goodbye Mash - 500 Emeralds
- FUSIONEVOLUTION - 20 Spirit Shards
- UPDATE 4 - 1K Emeralds and 15 Rerolls
- 500kMembersLETSGOO - 1500 Emeralds and 14 Rerolls
- 400kMembersLETSGOO - 1500 Emeralds and 12 Rerolls
- Sub2Shock - 150 Emeralds
- BlamsQuestBugCodeMustBeSubbedToWork - 1000 Emeralds
- GrindRerollsFromChallenges!
- Sub2MayyJeeeOrCodeWontWork
- Sub2Noclypso176k
- Sub2ZerozKinger1MilSubs
- Sub2KingLuffy
- Update3
- Glitched
- Blams100kLikesCode
- BlamSpotsOP75MillVisitCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- Blams100kFavoritesCode
- BackupMinatoMustBeSubbedtoTorToWork
- PortalBugFixes
- SorryForDelayAndMaintenance
- Blams100kFavoritesCode
- ALSUpdate2YutaHype
- BlamsSecretMiniUpdateMustBeSubbedToWork
- BlamSportsOP75MillVisitCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- evolvethis
- BigUpdateWednesday
- ALSUpdateIsCooking
- SkillTreeRestALPHAReportAnyBugs
- ThankYouSoMuch45mVisits
- BlamSpotInsaneWeekendCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- BlamSecretValentinesCode
- BlamSpoyYTSecretUnitCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
- TyFor25mVisitsOMG!
- 50ThousandsFavorites!!!
- 200kMembersINSANE!
- BlamsAndShocksNightmare100kMemberReRollCodeTrySubscribingToBlamSpotOnYTAndFollowingFr_ShockOnTwitterIfItDoesntWork
- BlamsOP5MillionVisitsRerollCodeMustBeSubbedToWorkLOL
- ToadBoi120k
- NeelsTV
- Sub2KingLuffy
- Sub2Blamspot524k
- Sub2BmGTormenter117onYT
- Sub2CodeNex77k
- SorryForDelay
- FinalDelay
- Shutdown
- Sub2HotSauceHan
- BlamTopSecretCodeWontWorkIfNotSubbed
- YammoRework
- BlamSecret1MillionUniquePlayerCode
- TyFor1mVisitsPart2
- TyFor1mVisitsPart1
- GoalReached
- Fixes
- TyFor10kFav
- TyFor2kFav
- FreeNami
- Async
- 3219872
- Async
- Shock
- here
- BlamSpotInsaneWeekendCodeMustBeSubbedToWork
How to redeem Anime Last Stand codes?
Have you used codes before in this popular Roblox tower defense? Follow these steps to use the Anime Last Stand codes and get free emeralds and rerolls.
1. Launch Anime Last Stand on your device
2. Click on the codes button located on the left-hand side of the screen
3. Copy and paste any of the active Anime Last Stand codes from our list above into the text box
4. Click on the redeem button to collect your free rewards