The quirky robo-puzzler GNOG will be coming to iOS/Steam later this summer
And heads to PS4/VR on May 2nd
There's good news and bad news today. The good news: the surreal puzzler GNOG has officially announced a May 2nd release. The bad news: that's the release date for PlayStation 4/VR, but it is still coming to iOS.
First announced a couple of years ago, GNOG is all about the inner world of robots' heads. Things can be turned, handles pulled, and areas opened up further in the crisp, neon-coloured level.
In order to solve each of the puzzles in these robo-noggins, you have to twist and turn the head to figure out which buttons to press and which levels to switch, and more.
Though GNOG will be coming to PS4/VR on May 2nd, the iOS and Steam launches should be coming shortly afterwards as it states 'Summer 2017' on the latest trailer.