Monument Valley

Monument Valley

PG Awards 2021 Nominee!
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Developer: Ustwo games
Publisher: Ustwo games
Available on: iOS + Android

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Get Monument Valley for free on Android right now

Get Monument Valley for free on Android right now

Harry's hot takes: It's the Chinese year of the dog, but what are different dog's favourite mobile games?

Harry's hot takes: It's the Chinese year of the dog, but what are different dog's favourite mobile games?

iOS + Android + Switch ...
Surreal puzzler Monument Valley drops to a mere 75p on Android

Surreal puzzler Monument Valley drops to a mere 75p on Android

The beautiful soundtrack from Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores is now available on iTunes and Soundcloud
New Release

The beautiful soundtrack from Monument Valley: Forgotten Shores is now available on iTunes and Soundcloud

iOS + Android
Monument Valley made $14 million in two years and got some help from Netflix's House of Cards

Monument Valley made $14 million in two years and got some help from Netflix's House of Cards

iOS + Android
Want to see Monument Valley in Lego form? Go vote for it now.

Want to see Monument Valley in Lego form? Go vote for it now.

iOS + Android
Monument Valley's music gets the vinyl treatment

Monument Valley's music gets the vinyl treatment

iOS + Android
The must-have Monument Valley is currently free on iPhone and iPad

The must-have Monument Valley is currently free on iPhone and iPad

At last, Monument Valley has official plushies you can buy right now

At last, Monument Valley has official plushies you can buy right now

iOS + Android
If you bought Ida's RED Dream as an IAP you can still play the blue version by using this simple workaround

If you bought Ida's RED Dream as an IAP you can still play the blue version by using this simple workaround

iOS + Android
Free Monument Valley expansion Ida's Dream available now
New Release

Free Monument Valley expansion Ida's Dream available now

iOS + Android + Windows Phone
Monument Valley expansion Ida's Dream will become a free chapter on June 25th

Monument Valley expansion Ida's Dream will become a free chapter on June 25th

iPad + Android + Windows Phone
7 top developers share the secrets of selling games on Android

7 top developers share the secrets of selling games on Android

iOS + Android
Get Monument Valley for a buck, and other big games for cheap [Update]

Get Monument Valley for a buck, and other big games for cheap [Update]

Monument Valley brings its award-winning world to Windows Phone

Monument Valley brings its award-winning world to Windows Phone

iOS + Android + Windows Phone
Monument Valley gets an Android price drop in Europe and Australia

Monument Valley gets an Android price drop in Europe and Australia

Monument Valley is the Free App of the week at UK Starbucks right now

Monument Valley is the Free App of the week at UK Starbucks right now

Monument Valley wins big at both the IMGAs and the GDC Awards

Monument Valley wins big at both the IMGAs and the GDC Awards

iOS + Android
Video games can be art and these six mobile games prove it

Video games can be art and these six mobile games prove it

iOS + Android
Monument Valley and 80 Days get multiple nominations at the BAFTA Games Awards

Monument Valley and 80 Days get multiple nominations at the BAFTA Games Awards

iOS + Android
Monument Valley, Threes!, 80 Days and more discounted on the Amazon App Store

Monument Valley, Threes!, 80 Days and more discounted on the Amazon App Store

Someone made a beautiful, Monument Valley-style alphabet

Someone made a beautiful, Monument Valley-style alphabet

iOS + Android
Guess who bought more copies of Monument Valley: iOS or Android gamers?

Guess who bought more copies of Monument Valley: iOS or Android gamers?

iOS + Android
[Update] Ustwo: 95 percent of Android players didn't pay for Monument Valley

[Update] Ustwo: 95 percent of Android players didn't pay for Monument Valley

iOS + Android
Apple calls Monument Valley and Threes! the best iOS games of 2014

Apple calls Monument Valley and Threes! the best iOS games of 2014