Dragon Ball Legends

Dragon Ball Legends

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Available on: iOS + Android

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Dragon Ball Legends best teams and combinations
How To

Dragon Ball Legends best teams and combinations

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends QR Codes - How to scan them in the game

Dragon Ball Legends QR Codes - How to scan them in the game

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends celebrates its second anniversary with all-new characters and an AR campaign

Dragon Ball Legends celebrates its second anniversary with all-new characters and an AR campaign

iOS + Android
The ultimate guide to Dragon Ball Legends - What you need to do to become a mobile Z Warrior

The ultimate guide to Dragon Ball Legends - What you need to do to become a mobile Z Warrior

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Everything you need to know about event mode

Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Everything you need to know about event mode

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Full list of EVERY character

Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Full list of EVERY character

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends review - One of the best anime games on mobile
Game Review

Dragon Ball Legends review - One of the best anime games on mobile

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Levelling up and increasing your power level fast

Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Levelling up and increasing your power level fast

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Everything you need to know about combat

Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Everything you need to know about combat

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Everything beginners need to get started

Dragon Ball Legends cheats and tips - Everything beginners need to get started

iOS + Android
[Update] Dragon Ball Legends is out on Android in the US and Europe right now
New Release

[Update] Dragon Ball Legends is out on Android in the US and Europe right now

Dragon Ball Legends just surpassed 2.5 million pre-registration participants and it's still going

Dragon Ball Legends just surpassed 2.5 million pre-registration participants and it's still going

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends preview - Hands-on with the gorgeous upcoming anime fighter

Dragon Ball Legends preview - Hands-on with the gorgeous upcoming anime fighter

iOS + Android
Dragon Ball Legends is a slick 3v3 fighting game that will have you beating up friends all over the world
New Release

Dragon Ball Legends is a slick 3v3 fighting game that will have you beating up friends all over the world

iOS + Android