Contact Us
So you've made a game, and you want to see it splashed across the digital pages of Pocket Gamer. This article will tell you how to get in contact with us and offer some best practices to help improve your chances of scoring coverage on PG.
Plus, scroll down to find out more about the SM Business Network - a free service that lets you submit trailers and gives you a surefire way of knowing whether your game will be covered by Pocket Gamer.
Want to get your game reviewed? Send us an email with info on the game, a promo code (or APK file), and some assets and we'll take a look. We can't review every game we're sent, but we consider everything that lands in the inbox of - reviews [at]
News, previews, and other stories:So your game isn't quite right ready for review yet. That's fine. We're always looking for the next big thing. If you want to alert the news crew to your game, please drop us a line at - news [at]
Pocket Gamer Writers:Got a game or a story that you think would interest a specific writer at Pocket Gamer? You can find the contact details for all editorial staffers, here.
Events:Of course, there's no substitute for getting all up in our faces and pressing your wares on us in person. See where you can find us on our events planner.
Competitions:If you’d like to give something away to our readers in a competition, please contact competitions [at]
App Army:Or maybe you ARE a reader, and you want to get access to early game codes and see your name in print on the pages of Pocket Gamer. In which case you'll want to join the App Army.
Advertise:If you’d like to advertise on Pocket Gamer, there’s a range of options available to you. Contact advertising [at]
Syndication:Pocket Gamer has an unrivalled editorial team and a great deal of experience providing high-quality content to partners. To enquire about syndicating content from Pocket Gamer, contact chris [at]
Jobs and internships:Are you a talented and knowledgeable writer looking for a bit of freelance work or a full-time job? Are you a plucky newcomer looking to get a foot on the ladder of games writing? Then get in touch! We generally advertise posts, but it can't hurt to drop us a line anyway - jobs [at]
Tech support:If you've spotted a bug, want to see something added or have any other tech enquiries, feel free to make contact at techsupport [at]
Advice for PR and game developers
If you're looking for coverage, the most important thing is to make an interesting game. Assuming you've got that covered, you can improve your chances of being noticed by following the steps below when you email us.
- Make sure you include trailers, screenshots, and relevant information.
- Send us promo codes BEFORE your game goes live on the App Store. Don't worry - we won't publish reviews until the day the game goes live in the UK. It just helps us to get our reviews ready for launch days. And don't ask whether we want one - just send it.
- The same goes for .APK files if you're an Android developer. (We promise not to share them with anybody else).
- If Pocket Gamer or one of our beloved rivals has already covered one of your games it's a good idea to remind us and include a link to the story.
- Don't be afraid to name drop and tell us about any significant industry experience. If your best friend and mentor is Shigeru Miyamoto or you worked on Big Console Game X, that could be what makes your email stand out from the dozens of others we get on a given day.
- Write an interesting email. It sounds obvious, but no matter how good your game is if you send us an email ignoring all of the above advice there's a very good chance we'll miss it.
And it doesn't end with the story. If we said something nice about your game or gave it an award at review, feel free to quote us, and get in touch if you want a copy of the award graphic to use on your site or promotional materials.
A nod from Pocket Gamer could be what you need to get your game noticed by consumers or other sites.
We are happy to agree to embargoes when accepting code and early access to information and assets, but as soon as that material is in the public domain (through official channels, misadventure, or because another site has broken the embargo), we consider the embargo to be void in relation specifically to the published material.
We won't publish information or material not in the public domain before the agreed time.
We reserve the right to publish reviews as soon as the games in question are available, on the grounds that if a member of the public can render an opinion it makes no sense for a website whose function is criticism not to exercise the same freedom.
The SM Business Network
Every day the Pocket Gamer team receives at least 100 messages from game developers relating to their upcoming projects, be it looking for news, previews, reviews, or just a chat.
To date we've done our best to give time to each and all of these, looking at every game before deciding what makes sense for our audience. Of course, the truth is that we can't cover every single story or review requested. Besides, our job is not to list everything in existence, but rather to curate what we think is most relevant, exciting, and appealing to us and our audience.
This means that not all the games will get the editorial coverage requested and we understand that this can be hard to take and frustrating.
In the past, we could have done much better in terms of explaining where we stand on your submissions. Now, however, we think we have a solution. From now on we urge you to make use of our business network system rather than emailing us directly.
This may take slightly longer, and it may even be a little imperfect a process, to begin with (please tell us where we can improve), but the flip side is that it will ensure that you know exactly what's happening with your submission.
You'll be able to see when we looked at it, whether we're planning to feature it, and, if not, why we've chosen to pass on it what you can do to fare better next time.
And it's free.
You'll also be able to see all of the stories that we've written about you and your company/games (on both biz and consumer sites).
You can read more and register for the SM Business Network here.
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